June 9, 2020

“Should we call Donald Trump ‘antichrist’?”

– D. Stephen Long

The Orange Demon Revealed In Grafitti.

Photo by Ralf Genge, ralfskysegel on Pixabay. Used under the Pixabay Content License.

April 8, 2024

“The Devil’s Bargain”

“Fundamental to Trump’s emerging political theology is the idea that God needs to be protected and defended by the MAGA movement.”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, The Fall of the Rebel Angels. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: Bible salesman Donald Trump promoted aggrievement and vengeance during his 2024 campaign. “In a video advertising his Bible, Trump emphasized an emerging theme of his political campaign: the idea that Christianity is under siege in America, marginalized and persecuted; and that only Trump’s [MAGA] movement can restore it.” Written by David Simmer and appeared on the website Reformed Journal.

June 9, 2020

“Should we call Donald Trump ‘antichrist?’”

“...I think it appropriate that reasonable people of faith begin to refer to Trump as antichrist. I don’t come to that conclusion lightly.”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, The Fall of the Rebel Angels. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: This article describes how Trump's Christian court jesters distort the Bible's message and meaning for personal and political power. “When this is all over, when the smoke from the tear gas (or whatever chemical agent used) has cleared, American Christianity will stand condemned for following the beast.” Written by D. Stephen Long and appearing on the ABC Religion & Ethics website.

June 16, 2020

“Donald Trump has preyed on the American psyche like a demon. At last the exorcism has begun.”

“Donald Trump spews divisive conspiracy theories and hatred. There is no one the nation can turn to for solace.”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, The Fall of the Rebel Angels. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: This article, written in 2020, addresses the damage that Trump caused and our media's failure to address this adequately. “They normalized his behavior...” “So even now, when the evidence of his malignancy screams out in every interview and tweet, the national media's only response is slightly more daring euphemisms.” Written by Dan Froomkin and appeared on Salon.

October 27, 2020

“Donald Trump and the banality of evil”

“Emptiness, lack of character and a fundamental unwillingness to take responsibility lurk at evil’s core”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, Dull Grief. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: This author grasps an essential truth about Trump: He’s evil and mediocre at the same time. “Beneath the bullying, blustering, and casual cruelty; beneath the mangled syntax and rhetorical excess; beneath the torrent of lies, the shocking vapidity and astonishing stupidity, one senses a radical vacuum.” “He says something. He contradicts it. He performs as a demagogue yet lacks the true air of command. He is a postmodern wannabe dictator.” Written by Scott Remer and published on Open Democracy.

October 14, 2020

“Sinéad O'Connor: ‘I actually do believe Donald Trump is the biblical Devil’”

“We all somehow created Trump,” she maintains. “He couldn’t exist without the zeitgeist.”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, Dull Grief. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: Stuart Clark interviewed the late singer Sinéad O’Connor for this article. She did not hold back. “He’s [Trump] not playing,” she insists. “Nobody should think he’s doing this just so he can get elected. He is devilish enough that he believes in this stuff. They should have dragged him out of the White House at the point he separated the first child from their parents at the Mexican border.” Good strong stuff. This article appeared on the HOT PRESS website.

May 30, 2016

“Donald Trump is a ‘vulgar, demented, pig demon’ says Hillary Clinton's ex-adviser”

Detail from Dutch Renaissance artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting, Dull Grief. From Wikipedia

SUMMARY: Alec Ross, who was senior aide to Clinton during her term as Secretary of State, was speaking at The Hay Festival in Wales. “What he’s [Trump] talking about is taking emasculated men in their forties, fifties and sixties who are not living the life they hoped for in their teens and twenties and saying, ‘you know what? there are people to blame for this. And we’re going to build a wall and we’re going make America great again.’” Article written by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, and appeared on The Telegraph website

I imagine Donald Trump as the Orange Demon Bezzlebub: From Wikipedia: “The Bezzle is a term originally coined by John Kenneth Galbraith for a long-term pattern of bad faith in which the mark does not realise at the time that they have been a victim, and may even feel that they have gained in the short term, until being disillusioned later on.” So Trump is Bezzlebub, not Beezlebub.