August 16, 2019

“Greenland Is Not For Sale!”

“The concept came up and ...strategically it's interesting.” – Donald Trump

“...a fucking idiot!” - Rupert Murdoch

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The Orange Demon Revealed In Grafitti.

Photo by Ralf Genge, ralfskysegel on Pixabay. Used under the Pixabay Content License.

“The greater knave, the better luck” ~ Danish proverb

“The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,” – Retired Marine General John Kelly, Source CNN.

What Explains Trump?

How does Trump, with all his terrible flaws, retain the loyalty and trust of tens of millions? Are Americans just gullible? Why do people continue to believe in Trump? ONE: He is a prolific bullshitter. He does not care about the truthfulness of his statements. TWO: He is a talented demagogue. THREE: He's a ruthless bully and an apex asshole. FOUR: Trump has lizard brain instincts for finding the weak spots in American democracy and boring into them. He is a genius at creating division around race. FIVE: He has a cult leader’s charisma and the ability to catalyze hatred. SIX: Donald Trump is willful. He simply does not accept or acknowledge any error or defeat. Instead, he tries to bend reality to his will.

Two possible explanations for Trump: natural and supernatural

The first explanation is entirely natural. He employs his dark arts to maintain an iron grip on a sizable portion of the American electorate: His Cult. Non-MAGA Americans are shocked and then numbed by the non-stop chaos. The outrages come too fast to react. He “floods the zone with shit,” and exhausts the opposition. Politicians, afraid of offending the fanatical cult, kiss the ring, and Trump revels in their ultimate humiliation (Lindsey Graham). Very few American politicians have the courage to stand up to Trump’s powerful demagogic populism.

The speculation broadens here...

I am not a person who seeks supernatural explanations for events. I am not particularly religious. The are five major religions in the world today: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. There have been many others in the past. My attitude towards religion has always been: “They can’t all be right, so they’re probably all wrong.” The supernatural world, if it exists, must be something else altogether.

Now, Trump is too mediocre to be ‘The Devil,’ but he might possibly be some sort of lower-level demon. He does embody that energy. I have named Trump the Orange Demon Bezzlebub (see below). According to folklore, demons smell, and Trump certainly does smell. There are many accounts of it. See here, and here. Which brings me to the question: Does Trump shit himself to cover the smell of burning sulfur?.

In Conclusion

Donald Trump is a malign, corrosive force in American society. He is evil, to be sure, but probably not The Evil One. Many Americans continue to see him as their warrior and savior, and worship him as a false, foul idol. Numerous people have described Trump’s power and influence as demonic or demonically inspired. If American Christians insist on seeing him as the ‘Flawed Vessel’ of their salvation, then this site wants to suggest that his strengths and flaws may originate from the ‘other’ place.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― SØREN KIERKEGAARD

I imagine Donald Trump as the Orange Demon Bezzlebub: From Wikipedia: “The Bezzle is a term originally coined by John Kenneth Galbraith for a long-term pattern of bad faith in which the mark does not realise at the time that they have been a victim, and may even feel that they have gained in the short term, until being disillusioned later on.” So Trump is Bezzlebub, not Beezlebub.